Tuesday 19 February 2013

Pearl Collar Necklace Tutorial

This is a tutorial on how to make a pearl collar necklace. To make it you will need some white felt (I bought two sheets of 22cm square white felt), enough pearls to cover the felt (I needed three small boxes which had around 30 in each), 1m of white ribbon, white thread, a needle, pins and scissors. 
First I cut out a paper template of the shape of the necklace. I decided to go for a simple rounded shape. Then I pinned it to the felt.
Cut around the paper template and repeat so you have two felt necklace shapes.
Then start placing the beads on one of the felt shapes to the desired pattern before sewing them on by hand. I started by sewing a line of pearls around as an outline before filling in the centre. 
Here is when I finished sewing on the pearl beads.
The behind of the felt shape ended up being covered in stitches so to cover them up and to add more strength I placed the other felt shape cut out before onto the back and pinned it down. 
Then sew using a small stitch around the edge to completely cover all the stitching on the felt underneath, however leave the top flat edges open.
Cut the meter long ribbon into two equal length pieces and tuck the end of each into the open gaps. Sew across the top securing the ribbon in place. 
Taadaah the finished necklace! 
I can't wait to try this out again changing the beads and the shape of the felt to create more interesting necklaces. 

Hope you have had a lovely day 
Love Jade xxx

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